Forest Exports Boycott Action Group
ABOUT 80 PERCENT of the forest cut in BC is exported in one form or another, from raw logs to finished lumber. About 85 percent of wood product exports go to just three countries: USA, China and Japan. Each of these countries have severe restrictions on logging of their primary forests. China outright banned logging of primary forests in 2000. The USA banned clearcut logging of primary forests on publicly owned land in the Pacific Northwest in the early 1990s.
Unless exports to those countries are greatly reduced or eliminated, BC’s primary forests will continue to disappear at a rapid rate. One option for British Columbians concerned about BC’s low environmental standards regarding primary forests would be to work toward an international boycott of BC forest products, especially those derived from cutting primary forests. British Columbians are subsidizing the destruction of these forests. Ending the exports would be in their own financial interest. If you can play a role in organizing an international boycott of BC forest products, please contact us.