Useful maps
We’ve gathered together over 3o maps created by the Province that can be used to determine the forest attributes and legal status of any location in BC. The slideshow below shows most of these maps. To access a map through the slideshow, click on a map image to go to the interactive version. Or you can choose from the list below the slideshow. If you know of a provincial map that should be included in our library, please contact us with details.
Ministry of Forests Forest Operations Map (FOM)
BC Timber Sales operating areas
BC Timber Sales planned cutblocks
Biogeoclimatic Zones and variants
Critical habitat for SARA species at risk
Designated Areas (logging deferrals)
First Nations Statement of Intent boundaries
Official geographic place names
Old-growth Strategic Review TAP priority deferral areas (November 2021)
Old Growth Management Areas (legal)
Parks, protected areas and ecological reserves
Primary forest (Conservation North's Seeing Red Map)
RESULTS: Forest Cover Silviculture
Species and ecosystems at risk
Terrestrial protected area representation by ecosection
Vegetation Resource Inventory (2019)