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  • Public Protest Action Group

    MANY BRITISH COLUMBIANS are concerned about the scale of logging in BC, the loss of the biologically richest old-growth forests— essential habitat for many at-risk species—the diminution of socioeconomic benefits, and the harm being done to mature forests that are critically needed to store carbon and provide wildlife habitat.

    Canadians’ right to freedom of expression, freedom of association and the freedom of peaceful assembly are protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. If British Columbians don’t exercise their right to protest the destruction of our publicly owned forests by privately owned companies, BC’s government will interpret that as approval of what’s taking place. To ensure our government doesn’t get the wrong message, the Evergreen Alliance is developing a standing army of peaceful protestors. Help build that army by joining the Public Protest Action Group.

    Citizens of Revelstoke (below) express support for the old-growth logging blockades at Fairy Creek. The public protests in Revelstoke helped to create community momentum for setting up a blockade of logging in the Argonaut Valley.

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