Carbon released by clearcut logging in BC, 2010 to 2020
BY INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, the carbon released from decomposition and/or burning of trees that were logged from a given area is attributed to the year in which the area was logged. This includes all wood products made from those trees, like lumber and plywood, which will eventually decompose or burn and will release their carbon back to the atmosphere. It also includes all the non-merchantable biomass that was left behind in the clearcut. In our estimate of carbon released by clearcut logging, we also include an estimate of the carbon that was released from the forest floor and soil after logging. These estimates do not include emissions from hydrocarbons burned as fuel in the various machinery used during logging operations, forklifts at mills, or transportation of logs and wood products.
Area-based calculations of carbon released from clearcut logging
For more information on how we made this estimate, go to this page.