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  • Overlap of cutting permits issued by the Ministry of Forests with Priority Deferral Areas established by the Old Growth Strategic Review Technical Advisory Panel (TAP).

    According to TAP, the priority deferral map “shows an overall picture of our priority recommendations for harvest deferral. It combines the Prioritised Big-treed Old Growth (Map 3), Remnant Old Ecosystems (Map 4) and Ancient Forests (Map 5) maps. Areas meeting the criteria in each category are identified whether they are already protected or not. All of the area noted on this map, outside protected areas, are at high near-term risk and should have harvest deferred.”

    In the map below we have overlayed TAP’s priority deferral areas map on top of the ministry’s map of cutting permits. Areas that appear orange-ish below are overlaps. In some cases, these areas may already be logged, either before or after TAP published its map.

    Check your area of interest by zooming out and the dragging the map to your location. Then zoom in (+ button).

    If you find overlaps and would like to know details about when the cutting permit(s) were approved, consult this map.

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