The New Forest Act details will be presented at the six live events listed below. The full proposal will be on our website on September 8, 2024.
Local speakers, Indigenous People, and scientists will also present relevant regional information regarding the costs of the current system and the urgent need for new legislation.
Three Key Priorities of the New Forest Act
The new Forest Act provides a system that:
1. protects and restores natural ecosystem integrity and resilience
2. gives Indigenous Peoples and BC residents a say in what happens in the forest ecosystems that affect them
3. builds stable community-based jobs and local economies that strengthen the larger BC economy
Some features of the new Forest Act:
• Elimination of industrial forest tenures and professional reliance.
• A government structure that decentralizes decision-making around logical groupings of BC communities and Indigenous Nations through Community Forest Boards.
• A publicly-accountable government ministry, The Ministry of Ecological Integrity, jointly managed by the BC government and Indigenous Nations, to administer the legislation.
• An independent, non-partisan Office of the Forester General that reports to the legislature and the public on forest management.
• Local Ranger Stations are re-instituted for monitoring and compliance.
There is a lot more to the proposal! So, if you don’t see what you think should be included, tune in for the details by registering for an event, signing up for the newsletter, following us on Facebook, or joining the Facebook group.
Natural ecosystems function fully and flawlessly without industrialized activities on them. Fully functioning natural ecosystems ensure our survival and are the source of what we value. Halting the loss and degradation of primary forests and restoring forest landscapes helps enhance climate change mitigation and disaster protection. It also drives sustainable economic growth and supports livelihoods.
This is the power of forests.
The Events
Pre-registration is required. Register:
Presentations will be recorded and shared on Youtube, social media, and Vancouver Island community Rogers Cable channels. Zoom Livestream registration is available through the link above for the Vancouver and Kelowna events.
Nanaimo, September 14, 2024, 12-4:30, Beban Park Social Centre, 2300 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo
1. Geraldine Manson, Snuneymuxw Traditional Knowledge Keeper
2. Dave Weaver, Beaufort Watershed Stewards
3. Daniel Arbour, Director, Comox Valley Regional District
4. Paul Manly, Nanaimo City Councillor
South Cowichan, Sept 17, 7-8:30pm, Mill Bay Community Hall
1. Shawnigan Basin Society
Vancouver, Sept 21, 2024, 12-4:30, The Nest, UBC Vancouver, Rm 2306/2309, 6133 University Blvd, Vancouver
1. hiwus Calvin Craigan, Hereditary Chief, Sechelt First Nation
2. Ross Muirhead, Elphinstone Logging Focus
3. Dr. Younes Alila, UBC Forest Hydrology
Prince George, September 28, 2024, 12-4:30, Canfor Theatre, 3333 University Way Prince George BC
1. Michelle Connolly, Conservation North
2. Herb Hammond, Forest Ecologist
Nelson, October 5, 12-3pm, The Adventure Hotel, 616 Vernon St, Nelson, BC
1. Joe Karthein, Save What’s Left
2. Dr. Rachel Holt
Kelowna, October 12, 12-3:30, UBC Okanagan ASC 140, Kelowna, BC
1. Dawn Morrison, Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty
2. Joe Karthein, Save What’s Left
Community groups involved:
Beaufort Watershed Stewards, Union Bay
Yellow Point Ecological Society, Ladysmith
Save Our Forests Team – Comox Valley
Shawnigan Basin Society, Mill Bay
Elphinstone Logging Focus, Sechelt
Conservation North, Prince George
Interior Watershed Task Force – interior BC region
Peachland Watershed Protection Alliance, Peachland
Boundary Forest Watershed Stewardship Society, Grand Forks
Save What’s Left, Nelson
The situation is urgent for BC’s forests! We need all hands on deck. Come out to an event or give your support in any way you can: share, donate, discuss.
All the best,
Jennifer Houghton